Practice Player Information
Practice players are CBT members and practice with our teams through the outdoor fall and winter sessions. Practice players are considered members of CBT and get access to the indoor facility through the year. Included in the fee, they will receive a CBT hat and tee shirt they can wear at practices. Often times our practice players are asked to fill in at tournaments if we have an injury or a player out for whatever reason. Practice player spots are typically limited to 3-5 spots per team. Practice players are required to attend the tryouts or do an individual tryout to ensure that it is a good fit for both the player and CBT.
Fee: $1,200.00 (all age groups)
What is included: All fall and winter practices, 1 hat, 1 tee shirt and facility access from August 15th until July 15th of that year.
High school winter sessions (15U-17U) go from December until high school practices start in March. We typically practice 1 to 2 times per week in that time frame.
8U to 14U winter sessions go from December until their specific age groups first week of tournaments begin. From December through March we practice once per week and go to multiple practices per week once our high school players go back to high school practices in mid to late March.
If you have any questions, please email or call 920-540-6362.